After Care

Ink Crown Studio

After Care

The first 3-5 days

A “second skin” can be left untouched for up to 6 days (I personally remove it after about 3 days). After that, it is best to slowly remove it under the shower. Please be careful as it sticks very well! Any other bandage or film should be removed after 24 hours.

The accumulation of fluid underneath any barrier is normal. It is a combination of blood, sweat, excess ink, and endogenous healing proteins.

When cleaning the fresh tattoo, shower with lukewarm water and avoid rubbing it. Do not submerge your tattoo in water for longer than necessary.

Clean it 2 to 3 times per day with water and unscented soap, then apply a thin layer of ointment after patting it dry.

Choose A+D ointment, Aquaphor, or another ointment specifically formulated for tattoos. Steer clear of petroleum jelly, also known as Vaseline!

Do not apply another bandage once the initial barrier is removed. Your tattoo requires air to heal now.

The next 2 - 3 weeks

Continue to clean your tattoo 2 to 3 times a day. Instead of using ointment, switch to moisturizing lotion. Apply lotion more frequently if your tattoo feels excessively dry.

Ensure that the lotion you use is free from perfume. Wait until the healing process is complete before using scented lotions.

Avoid swimming in pools, direct exposure to sunlight, and wearing clothing that may adhere to or irritate your tattoo.

Pay attention to your tattoo and the surrounding skin for any signs or signals.

Additional Information

While your tattoo is healing, the first layer of skin above it will slowly peel off. Please refrain from picking or tearing this dead skin. Allow it to naturally shed.

The colors of a fully healed tattoo are not as vibrant as they were on the day you got it. This is because the epidermis will have been renewed and now forms a thin film above it.

Direct sunlight is always detrimental to your tattoo. To protect it, apply sunscreen whenever your tattoo is exposed for extended periods. Failure to do so may result in faster fading than usual.

Tattoos naturally fade over time and lines may become blurred. Take proper care of your tattoo to slow down this process.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or if you feel that your tattoo is not healing properly.